[cvsnt] html-bug in cvsnt-reference manual

Thomas_Janke at prisma-edv.de Thomas_Janke at prisma-edv.de
Tue Feb 4 11:02:38 GMT 2003


whoever feels responsible to maintain the reference-manual:

the following lines are to be found in the html-code of the manual:

<H2> 13.5 Problems with the $Log: cvs.html,v $
<H2> 13.5 Problems with the Revision  2002/12/09 22:20:22  tmh
<H2> 13.5 Problems with the doco update
<H2> 13.5 Problems with the keyword. </H2>

the <h2> tags are not closes, except the last one. This causes IE to show
the rest of the document in fat letters.

Hope, there is somebody who can deal with that.

Thomas J.

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