[cvsnt] log output format changed - bug?

Hartmut Honisch hartmut_honisch at web.de
Tue Feb 11 07:45:13 GMT 2003


is it possible that the "cvs log" output format has changed? My build 66
server wrote something like

revision 1.2
date: 2003/01/22 10:25:08;  author: hhonisch;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1;
commitid: 51c3e2e7183704b
*** empty log message ***

whereas a build 69 now writes

revision 1.2
date: 2003/01/22 10:25:08;  author: hhonisch;  state: Exp  lines: +1 -1;
commitid: 51c3e2e7183704b;
*** empty log message ***

Note the different use of semicolons. There's one missing after "state:
Exp", and there's a new one after "commitid: ...". Is this new format going
to stay, or is it a bug? Clients like WinCVS and TortoiseCVS (which I'm
working on) parse the log output and can't handle the new format yet, so I
wonder whether I'd have to change their code.


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