Vedr.: Re: [cvsnt] cvs commit "Force commit option" doesn't work
ignacio rodriguez perez
irodriguezp at
Wed Feb 12 11:24:04 GMT 2003
According to Cederquist (appendix A.8.1) cvs commit -f -R should force =
new revision on all files recursively.
Yes, I have seen it. But I have tried it again and the command works fine.
Probabily was a bug of Wincvs not of cvsnt, because the cvsnt is the same
on server but WinCVS was with cvsnt build 57k (I'm not sure at this
moment), and I can't reproduce the error now. Sorry, but I have various clients and is
not easy remember all versions (because the updates should be done by the
users). So forget it!
Thanks and sorry.
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