[cvsnt] Problem with admin -o

Lionello Lunesu lionello.lunesu at crystalinter.remove.com
Thu Feb 20 09:37:22 GMT 2003

Hi y'all....

I committed something I shouldn't have on our cvs, and tried to fix this by
cvs admin -o HEAD::
Unfortunately, I forgot the filename :-/ and it removed the last revision of
all the files. I managed to restore most files by update/edit in another dir
and then copying the last version over them en committing it.

However, some files only had 1 revision, which was deleted.. If I try to
commit these files after overwriting with my local backup, cvs complains
"nothing known about xxxx". So I add the files, which succeeds. But then,
the commit complains "cannot add; file,v already exists"..
So I removed the files first, with cvs remove, success, try to commit this,
"nothing known about...".. Figured it's OK now. The add succeeds, but again,
the commit for the add fails with the same "already exists" message..

What's the usual method used to 'uncommit'?
Is this a bug in cvs (on one side complaining it doesn't know about the
file, on the other saying it's already there)?

Thanks a lot,


PS. Tony, I never thanked you for the support or CVSNT... Thanks a lot man,
it's great... Both of'm...

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