[cvsnt] Keeping Checked-Out copy of repository files

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Jan 23 15:47:46 GMT 2003

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 16:24:40 +0100, "Wolfmaier Klaus"
<Klaus.Wolfmaier at scch.at> wrote:

>In the postcommit file of the CVSROOT directory, I've added=20
>following line:
>ALL	c:\keepuptodate.bat
>When I check-in a file to the repository using WinCVS, the=20
>update does not work.The .bat file is definitely executed=20
> (to me it seem that the call to cvs update somehow does not return).=20
You shouldn't just modify the postcommit file in the CVSROOT - you
should checkout CVSROOT, modify the postcommit there, then check it in

I just checked with the following batch file:

@echo off
echo postcommit fired
d:\cvsbin\cvs -d d:/repo co -d copy cvsroot

..which works as expected.  Assuming your batch file is similar it
should probably work.


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