[cvsnt] pserver, how slow should it be?

Bjorn.Carlsson at beijer.se Bjorn.Carlsson at beijer.se
Fri Jan 24 15:42:21 GMT 2003

I have just started using CVS and I am using WinCvs13b10 and CvsNT
(build 62) and I have noticed that pserver protocol works much slower than
the ntserver protocol, but as we don't use domains (Novell network) I would
have to maintain a list of local users on the server machine, (adding
users, changing passwords...). But if I use the pserver protocol we could
all use one NT account on the server and new users would only be added in
the passwd file.

The problem is that a simple edit or diff operation on one small file take
about 2 seconds with ntserver protocol and about 6 seconds with pserver. I
have read that pserver has to take an extra trip on the network, but should
it take this long?

The server runs Windows 2000 and on the client I use WINNT - will soon be
changed to XP  and to login on the network we use a Novell Client and as
local user on NT I am the user named Administrator, which we also use as
alias on the server, and because the password is the same on both the local
and remote Administrator, we don't have to use any password - no password
in the passwd file.

Is it normal - or does anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong?


Björn Carlsson
Software Engineer
Beijer Electronics AB

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