[cvsnt] CVSNT: behaviour with Unicode files

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Mon Jan 27 13:49:42 GMT 2003

On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 17:02:27 -0500, mjdlDELETE at sympatico.ca wrote:

>I've read the various manuals, etc, where I once read about it, but I 
>can't find any longer the information on how CVSNT deals with files in 
>the various Unicode encodings (single and double byte). Will such a file 
>be stored and retrieved correctly using a :local: CVSROOT on Windows 
>2000 with the current CVSNT release client executable? Or do I need to 
>treat it as a binary file? What about keyword expansion in a double-byte 
cvsnt converts every unicode file into UTF8 as it checks it in, and
the server then does all its operations as normal.  Marking the file
with -ku tells the client to re-expand the file back to double byte
UCS2 for the client to use.  Quad-byte encoding (UCS4) isn't suported
yet because NT can't read/write it.


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