[cvsnt] permissions problem.

Adam Shand ashand at pixelworks.com
Tue Jan 28 22:23:39 GMT 2003

Ian Epperson wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that every user will have to at least be able to list files
> in the cvsroot.  On WinNT, we had to give everyone using CVS "Read &

Ah, well, I was hoping that there was a way around that.

> Execute", "List Folder Contents" and "Read" on the cvsroot, then restricted
> access on the folders beneath that.  However, if anyone bothered to check
> (cvs ls) they'd find they can list the modules they aren't allowed to
> access.

Right, and I've been told explicitly that I can't allow that.

> Note that I don't think you're going to get away from an admin touching each
> cust anyway - either you will need the admin to create the repository, or
> need the admin to set the permissions correctly.  (Assuming the Engineers
> don't have direct access to cvsroot - as they shouldn't!)

Our IT staff is quite small and primarily in one location and we have 
offices all over the world, thus the CVS admin (me) often becomes a 
bottleneck for changes.

The idea was that we could hopefully one engineer at each location on 
how to set permissions etc etc.

> Also note that (IIRC) CVSNT has a limit to 64 repositories.  Important if
> you intend on having more than 64 customers (we currently maintain 140!)

Oof.  That's worth knowing, thanks.  I assume there's no reason that 
this couldn't be increased?

> An ugly kludge might be to put the customer name wrapped in an innocuous
> module.  Thus:
We'll probably just do innocuous top level names, that seems like the 
best solution given the limitations.

Thanks for you help.


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