[cvsnt] repository permissions

Erik Martino Hansen ermh at stibo.com
Fri Jul 25 14:12:59 BST 2003

I am in the process of converting a sourcesafe repo to cvsnt. I have found
some perl scripts on the internet that works very well. However to correct
some commit information one of the scripts modifies the ,v files directly in
the repository. Again they work very well except now the permissions on the
,v files are different.

Before they were
-r-xr-xr-x+   1 Administ mkgroup_     1257 Jul 24 17:43 xxx,v
Now they are
-rw-r--r--    1 ermh     mkgroup_     1257 Jul 24 19:21 xxx,v

My question is now
- do the permissions matter if all access is through the pserver protocol
- how do you change the permissions back to what they were on all the files,
including those in the Attic. (A tag changes it back but a tag command
doesn't touch all files).

I am a unix person and don't know much about access control lists. But it
doesn't look like something you could do with cygwin's chmod.

Stibo Graphics | Søren Nymarks vej 1 | DK-8270 Højbjerg
ermh at stibo.com | http://stibographic.com
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