[cvsnt] CVSNT Server crash

Liviu Coman liviu.coman at web-dienstleister.de
Mon Jun 2 10:06:12 BST 2003


When I run the following command the CVSNT-Server crashes and a dialog
will appear and ask me if I want a coredump
to be generated. 

Here is the log from TortoiseCVS:
"In D:\LiviuComan\projects\hcvw4: C:\Programme\cvsnt\cvs.exe -z9 commit
-m "HCVW4.4_Release_patch2(from HCBE4.4_Release_patch2)" Portal.jsp
CVSROOT=:pserver:liviu.coman at inpc09:2401:D:\cvs-repository

Removing Portal.jsp;
D:/cvs-repository/HCVW##copy##/Portal.jsp,v  <--  Portal.jsp
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1
cvs [server aborted]: Couldn't rename D:/cvs-repository/HCVW ->
D:/cvs-repository/HCVW##backup##: Permission denied

Error, CVS operation failed"

I had a look into the repository directory and there I found the
following directories:

The only difference is that:
	Portal.jsp in HCVW is in / located, while in HCVW##copy##  is in
/Attic located.

Remark2: This directory D:/cvs-repository/HCVW##backup## doen't exist.

I tried with both releases of CVSNT: 2.04 and 2.1.1 and the same result.

My current environment is: 
	CVSNT 2.1.1
	TortoiseCVS UNSTABLE version 1.4.0 plus test fixes built on Mon
May 26 08:20:33     2003

I also noticed that when I'm doing a commit on a large directory(has
subdirectory and files) directories in repository using pattern
"XXX##copy##" are created.

Liviu Coman

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