[cvsnt] Bug in CVS ? (follow up to problem with update with -d)

Philip Lawatsch philip at lawatsch.at
Tue Jun 10 16:54:50 BST 2003

> > If I do a cvs update -P -d in the root of the sandbox a lot 
> of stuff 
> > in Modules/Something gets checked out
> > 
> > If I do it again, then the whole stuff (the same files) is 
> checked out 
> > again and again ...
> I've never seen anything like that... it's possible the 
> server or client clocks are wildly out of sync, which might do it.

I've finally figured out what was going wrong


all -a dira dirb filea dirc dird dire dirx

ira and dirb are NOT correctly aliased with all
If I co all, then dira and dirb are not in the Entries, but filea and
dirc, d .. are

Why the heck does this happen, is this a bug ?

with kind regards Philip

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