[cvsnt] cvstemp permissions

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Tue Jun 10 18:22:40 BST 2003

> From: Glen Starrett [mailto:grstarrett at cox.net] 
> >>>>
> I'm using cvsnt 2.0.4 on Win XP pro I'm getting "can't create 
> temporary
> directory c:\cvstemp/cvs-serv<some number>: permission 
> denied" The cvstemp
> directory exists and full control appears to be  given to all 
> users. Any
> ideas would be appreciated.
> <<<<

[Sorry, didn't see this first time round]

If you're operating on NTFS - as you must be if you're getting
permission problems - then file auditing is your friend.  Turn it on and
set up auditing on absolutely everything under c:\cvstemp.  Then do
whatever to reproduce the error.  Check the security event log, and you
should find out what caused the permission denial.  Most usefully, the
file path, the process that caused the problem, and the type of access
requested are all logged.

filemon, from http://www.sysinternals.com/, will do similar things in a
nice neat Windows package.  Freeware, and runs under XP.

Best of luck,

		- Peter

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