[cvsnt] Merge Application

Keith D. Zimmerman keith at eagle-solutions.com
Wed Jun 18 13:31:16 BST 2003

Yes see below.  I presume you're looking for a 3-way 
because you want to specify where the output should go. 
You can do this by making a copy of a directory and 
working on the copy. 

A three-way merge is something else - useful for when 
you have a base file from which TWO lines of development 
have occurred. 


i am looking for a true three-way merge, and not just to save else
where, I essentially have "two lines of development.  I've used
winmerge, its a great two way merge, but...

XEmacs is the only three way in that list?


keith d. zimmerman, mcsd
eagle solutions 

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