[cvsnt] Unable to use cvsnt 2.0.4/2.1.1 on XP Pro: even telnet hostname 2401 does not work

Cyrille Thilloy cyrille at thilloy.com
Wed Jun 18 18:55:19 BST 2003

Sorry if this has been addressed before (I've been through the mailing list
without any success). I just installed
a brand new version of CVSNT on a XP Pro box. Installation sounds ok, but
login is just not working.
Even a simple "telnet localhost 2401" does not work, the connection is
dropped and the server crashes with a
nice debug report for microsoft...

If I try "cvsservice -test", it complains with the following message (but i
am not sur eit is important):
C:\PROGRA~1\cvsnt>cvsservice -test
CVS 2.1.1 (Apr 28 2003) starting in test mode.
TEMP/TMP currently set to C:\DEV\cvstemp
Initialising socket...ok
Impersonation is enabled
Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
Socket Failed (Handle=ffffffff Family=23,Socktype=1,Protocol=6): An address
incompatible with the requested protocol was used.  (not fatal)
Starting named pipe server...
CVS initialised successfully

- I tried all the combination of parameters (using the CVSNT service control
panel or even the registry) but it seems the problem in far beyond that
since even a simple telnet does not work.
- I use the version bundled with the Windows installer.

Any suggestion is more than welcome, many thanks.

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