[cvsnt] RE: Login problems solved.

Peter Wolter pwolter at pakon.com
Tue Jun 24 19:11:27 BST 2003

Problem solved, the Local Security Policy->User Rights
Assignment->Access this computer from the network policy was set to only
allow Administrators Group to logon remotely.  That is why I could only
logon as Administrator, but not as myself.  After much messing around,
the computers domain account was messed up so the security changes I was
trying to do wasn't taking affect.  But, we got it working now.

Peter M Wolter
Electrical Engineer                Phone:(952) 653-2326
Pakon, Inc.                              1-866-227-1229
5950 Clearwater Drive, Suite 100     FAX:(952) 936-9509
Minnetonka, MN  55343   USA	E-mail:  pwolter at pakon.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Wolter [mailto:pwolter at pakon.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 6:34 PM
To: 'cvsnt at cvsnt.org'
Subject: Login problems.

Well I have been at this for a while.  I have been having problems
loging in to CVSNT.  It is a strange one here.  I tried pserver as well
as SSPI but I get the same results.

Some important information.
CVSNT server is running on a W2K Pro workstation on a W2K domain. I was
running pserver under W2K Pro workstation on a NT4 domain before and it

This is what happens.

I can login as Domain Administrator, locally and remotely.
I can login as myself if I am login Windows locally at the time.  I
cannot login as myself if I am login to Windows as Administrator.

I can never login as myself remotely.

Here is a dump of a failed attempt.
Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.

G:\>set cvsroot=:sspi:postalcow:/pakon

G:\>cvs logon
Logging in to :sspi:PWolter at postalcow:2401:/pakon
CVS password: *******
cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from postalcow: cvs
[server aborted]: Authentication failed

I have tried CVSNT 2.0.2, 2.0.4, and 2.1.1 with the same results. I also
made sure that the client and server were running the same versions. Any
ideas, I can't give my Administrator password to everyone. Maybe is some
permission that Administrator has but I wouldn't know what!  I can look
into that tomorrow.

Peter M Wolter
Electrical Engineer                Phone:(952) 653-2326
Pakon, Inc.                              1-866-227-1229
5950 Clearwater Drive, Suite 100     FAX:(952) 936-9509
Minnetonka, MN  55343   USA	E-mail:  pwolter at pakon.com 

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