[cvsnt] strange probleem

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Jun 27 07:05:10 BST 2003

Not really an error in Wiki...
You can use the cvs passwd command to set up users on the system,
but those users must then use the pserver protocol.
It actualy says:
"This is a step that is only needed if you plan on using the pserver
or sserver protocol ..."

1. You are an admin and use sspi to connect
2. You use cvs passwd to add a user
3. This user later connects with :pserver:user at server:/repo
4. He has to do a cvs login before anything else (only first time)



-----Original Message-----
From: Jonas Geiregat [mailto:eniac at sdf-eu.org]
Sent: den 27 juni 2003 01:47
To: bo.berglund at telia.com
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] strange probleem

Bo Berglund wrote:

>On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 07:21:12 -0700, Jonas Geiregat <eniac at sdf-eu.org>
>>First I do
>>set cvsroot=:sspi:eniacBOX:/test
>>then I add a new user
>>cvs passwd -a -r "eniac" "testuser"
>>He asks me to give in a passwd so I do that
>>then I reset my cvsroot to :sspi:testuser at eniacBOX:/test
>>then I do cvs login
>>and I get:
>>Loggin in to :sspi:testuser at eniacBOX:2401:/test
>>CVS password: ********
>>cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from eniacBOX: cvs 
>>[server aborted]: Authentication failed
>>but I can login as user eniac ....
>>What could it be ?
>You are mixing up :pserver: and :sspi:
>Setting passwords etc with the cvs passwd command *only* affects the
>pserver protocol connections. For sspi the NT user database is always

ok then this should be a mistake in the wiki ?

set cvsroot=:sspi:<computername>:/TEST 
cvs passwd -r <real account name> -a <new username> 


      2.9 Adding CVS users

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