[cvsnt] Strange error message

Zsolt Koppany zsolt.koppany at intland.com
Thu Mar 6 15:46:04 GMT 2003

Thank you,

you were right.


"Bo Berglund" <Bo.Berglund at system3r.se> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.506.1046945784.22290.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
In Winzip go to:
Make sure to UNCHECK the checkbox "TAR file smart CR/LF conversion"

Then unfortunately you have to unpack your Linux repositories from the tar
file once more...
All of your RCS repository files are corrupted by the Winzip "feature"!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Zsolt Koppany [mailto:zsolt.koppany at intland.com]
Sent: den 6 mars 2003 09:17
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Strange error message


I use cvsnt (Build 73).

After I could check out a module I tried to get the log of a file and got a
strange error message. I have copied the CVS repository from Linux. First I
created a .tar.gz file that I extracted vie WinZip.

Do you have any ideas what the reason could be?

cvs -d :pserver:zk at localhost:C:/cvsfiles/CVS log build.xml
cvs [server aborted]: linefeed expected in C:/cvsfiles/CVS/zk/cb/build.xml,v
(got 13)


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