[cvsnt] Problem with modules -i option?

Alan Messer alanpublic at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 16 02:59:04 GMT 2003

Yes, the DONE.TXT should appear on the server's /
directory (not in the repository). But it does not.

--- tmh at nodomain.org wrote:
> > But on the other hand I would assume the command
> should go into either one
> > of the
> > loginfo, commitinfo or the new postcommit script
> files.
> > I would not expect any program to execute out of
> the modules file
> > really....
> >
> It's an anacronism from history.  The -u option
> might be useful I suppose but -i is pretty useless.

I considered commitinfo as a good place to insert the
program. However, this would run each time anything is
checked into the repository. I have a few modules, and
I'd like it only to run for one of them? I could of
course make a separate module and I may resort to that
on Monday.

While '-i' may not be the best modules option, I
agree. Is there any reason why is shouldn't work?


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