[cvsnt] Upgrading CVSNT build 57j to latest build - any problems/recommendations/BKMs?

Morris, Jason jason.morris at intel.com
Mon Mar 17 22:01:11 GMT 2003

Thanks for the tips.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bo Berglund [mailto:Bo.Berglund at system3r.se] 
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 11:03 AM
To: Morris, Jason; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Upgrading CVSNT build 57j to latest build - any

Normally you don't have to do much when upgrading from one version to a
later one. But in this case you have another situation, which requires
the uninstallation of CVSNT before you do the new install. The reason is
that the old setup will not be recognized by the new installer since
CVSNT switched from using InstallShield to InnoSetup somewhere between
57j and 75. But don't be afraid, it is not a big deal really, all of the
repository settings are retained (stored in the registry) and of course
the repository files themselves are also safe. Just uninstall, themn
install and go to the Control Panel applet and check the settings
(should remain intact, but you can check to make sure).

Concerning the compatibility with Toroise I have no input since I use
WinCvs and the command line cvs only.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason S Morris [mailto:jason.morris at intel.com]
Sent: den 14 mars 2003 15:50
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Upgrading CVSNT build 57j to latest build - any

I want to know if there are any problems upgrading CVSNT to the latest

I tried to find info on this newsgroup and the website, but my search
didn't come up with anything.

CVSNT build 57j was my first install and use of a CVS server, so I am
still a newbie.  I just wanted some advice before doing the upgrade.

My questions are:

Do I need to do anything to the files that I already have in the

Should I uninstall the old version and then install the new version?

Any new config settings I need to setup or remove old config settings?

Anything that my users will experience differently from build 57j to
build 75?  All access the repository through Tortoise CVS.


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