[cvsnt] Re: Why not absolute paths

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Mar 20 10:43:26 GMT 2003

On Wed, 19 Mar 2003 18:09:51 -0600, "Mike Bechtold" <msbechtold at yahoo.com>

>Why does the server reject commands that have absolute path names like:
>    C:\>cvs unedit C:\Borland\CBuilder5\lib\newcomp\_working\pathdialog.pas
>I'm wondering why I get the responce:
>   cvs [server aborted]: absolute pathname
>`C:/Borland/CBuilder5/lib/newcomp/_working' illegal for server
Because absolute paths mean nothiing to the server - they're client specific.
You should be using paths relative to the sandbox.


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