[cvsnt] How to migrate repository from local to sspi

Alain LAROCHE laroche at imra-europe.com
Thu Mar 27 17:44:55 GMT 2003


We are working with CVSNT (Build 75) (client/server)
on NT4 server  SP6a and WinCVS b12 (Build1)
on WIndows 2000 SP3 client.

At the beginning we have started to create a repository located on server
with local access protocol  (No CVSNT installed).
The question is: How can I import all my CVS file from this local repository
to the new one created with CVSNT and sspi access prootocol.

I tried to move all module files. I added admin file and user into the passwd
with success, the only remaining problem is nobody can no more do log and graph 
after the admin did a commit.

Thank for your help

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