[cvsnt] cvsnt- Server configuration

Wirl, Jan Jan.Wirl at acts.de
Fri Mar 28 11:13:32 GMT 2003

Hello there,

we (ACTS) want to use wincvs as our default (and only) version control
We´ve downloaded all files. WinCVS runs, only in local modus. We´ve also
installed the cvsNT. The server is running on my WIN2k- Machine. This
computer is in a domain. 

e.g. domain: test (mail: surname.name at test.de)
This computer is a workstation in this network. How can I configure my
CVSNT- to set this computer as a WINCVS- Server. The normal description is a
little too complicated for me. I´m not a hacker and a network specialist. So
can you give us a simple and better described docu or where we can find it!

Thanks a lot 

Please inform us fast as possible.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Best Regards

Jan Wirl

ACTS GmbH & Co. KG
D-63877 Sailauf
Tel: +49(0)6093 949 232
Fax: +49(0)6093 949 550

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