[cvsnt] Using CVSNT with sspi-protocol ("Set the password authentication first in the preferences !")?

Tobias Schnakenberg schnakenberg at fh-aachen.de
Wed May 14 16:00:39 BST 2003

Im running CVSNT 2.0.4 and WinCVS 1.2 under Windows XP. 
I want to use sspi-protocol for communication.
Both, CVS-Server and WinCVS-Client are running on the same machine
(=ammun) for testing CVS. The repository is located in c:\cvsrepo\test 
(I configured this in CVSNT->Repositories).
After I opened a command window I did following:
   >set cvsroot=:sspi:ammun:/test
   >cvs login
     Logging in to :sspi:<my username on ammun>@ammun:2401:/test
     CVS password: 
I think this means my login succeed?
When I try to login with WinCVS (Admin->Login ...) with the same
Settings, I receive the message: "Set the password authentication first
in the preferences !"
What do I have to change?

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