[cvsnt] CVSNT 2.0.4 repeatedly stops - Win2K Server SP3

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Mon May 19 14:37:12 BST 2003

I'm trying to get a CVS repository running for our organisation.  Precis
of installation:
- Athlon XP2200+, 512M, 80G
- CVSNT 2.0.4, configured per http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/InstallationTips
- Windows 2000 Server ('kim' below), SP3 and all critical hotfixes

Things that probably won't affect it but might:
- SQL Server 2000
- Sharepoint Portal Server
- Swiki on port 8080
- Visual Studio 6 SP5
- Network Alchemy client tools

All runs fine until I try to connect to verify the installation (step
10).  So far, I've tried with SSPI and Sserver authentication.
Transcript of a typical session follows:

Z:\>set cvsroot=:sspi:kim:/TEST

Z:\>cvs ls -l -R
cvs [ls aborted]: Can't authenticate - server and client cannot agree on
an authentication scheme

[server stops, key server continues]

Any ideas gratefully received - I'm stumped.  If I have to, I'll haul a
Linux or FreeBSD box in here and run a UNIX server, but my life will be
much easier if I can get it running on one of the existing Windows
boxes.  Apart from anything else, it'll be backed up...

		- Peter
Peter Crowther, Melandra Limited

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