[cvsnt] sserver on linux

alexandre gillet gillet at scripps.edu
Tue May 20 16:58:32 BST 2003

I am trying to use sserver on Linux.But I don't understand excatly how 
to set it up on the server and client side.

I don't have problem running pserver.
After installing cvsnt2.0.3 from source,
When I run sserver I get the following error:
cvs [login aborted]: ssl connection failed: error:140770FC:SSL 
routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol

I did not create any certificates. I guess I have  a problem with that 
after searching the news group.
Where cvs look for the certificate? Is there a way to specify the 
location? It should probably look for ca.pem?
Do I need my client to have that file too.

Any help will be greatly appreciate.
gillet at scripps.edu

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