[cvsnt] Re: Managing SQL Server source with CVS?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Nov 11 22:23:00 GMT 2003

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 14:17:08 -0700, "Glen Starrett"
<grstarrett at cox.net> wrote:

>> There is nothing to email...
>I think he meant your Delphi app, so he can get consistent "out" from the
>database by not using SEM.  I also have one, but it is in a VBA script that
>runs from the command line (uses osql, sends output to a log file).
>> 5. We also have created a Delphi app that takes a list of these
>>    files and connects to the SQL server and then executes them to
>>    set up the database correctly.

OK, I see what you mean.
But I can't do that because it is definitely proprietary, the Delphi
app is designed with knowledge of our database logins etc and it also
decrypts the encrypted sql files we distribute.
But it is really not that difficult, this is basically what it does
apart from the encryption stuff:
1. Read commands from the command line on where to get execution info
2. Load the script files in that location
3. Connect to the database given on command line (ADO connection)
4. Log in as SA using the built in credentials in the app.
5. Execute the scripts in the proper sequence

Anyone can do such an application I believe.

Then we have included this application as well as the encrypted sql
scripts in an InnoSetup installer. In InnoSetup we define the
execution of the helper app with the proper command line arguments to
start up the helper which loads the scriptfiles, decrypts them and
executes them while showing a progressbar.
The helper and script files are temp files in InnoSetup so as soon as
they are done they are removed from the target system.

So we can distribute updates simply by creating the InnoSetup
installer for the update and send it out for the customers to execute
on their system.
Really convenient.
And - it could not have been done with InstallShield for example
because of the lacking scripting functionality. Hooray for InnoSetup!

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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