[cvsnt] Server hangs/crashes

Gabriel Genellina gagenellina at softlab.com.ar
Wed Nov 12 22:18:56 GMT 2003


I have a problem with CVSNT and the -z option

With server v2.0.4 (on NT 4.0) and the corresponding client (cvs95.exe on 
Windows98 SE):
Using -z6 option (or any other value >=1) with commit/update (maybe other 
commands too), there are many instances of cvs.exe left on the server, they 
never exit and consume 100% CPU time.
The repository appears to be OK.
Using -z0 or no -z option at all works fine.

Updating both server and client to the latest stable version 2.0.11:
Using the -z option, the cvs.exe process now does not hang, but displays a 
         "Something bad happened to CVSNT, and it crashed. Would you like 
to produce a crash dump?" [No]
and then
         "Unknown software exception 0xC00000FD at 0x0046f475" [Ok]
There are many dialog windows open on the server, one per each CVS command 
The repository still appears to be OK.
Using -z0 or no -z option at all works fine.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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