[cvsnt] CVSNT on real server environment

Mike mike.werner at m.eads.net
Thu Nov 13 10:54:02 GMT 2003

A often encountered problem using CVSNT is "cannot find.: No such file or
directory" when impersonation is enabled. This is mainly true using
Eclipse as a CVS client. The eclipse staff just tell that this is an
incompatibility of CVSNT. The simplest solution to this problem is to
disable impersonation on CVSNT and additionally remove all access
restrictions from the CVS (root) directories. But so no user access
management can be established.

The real problem is that CVSNT uses a temporary directory (default is
%SystemRoot%\temp) and every user must have write permissions to this
directory too, but on a real server ordinary users do not have this right.
So the solution is to set a different temporary directory that every user
of CVSNT can access.

Now it is possible to restrict the access rights of users on a directory
level, sothat nobody can read and/or change files which he is not
authorized to.

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