[cvsnt] CVS non-conflict and conflict merge

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri Nov 14 12:00:51 GMT 2003

Yang, Judy Bin wrote:

> I am a little confused about the merge in CVS. This is my
> understanding about CVS non-conflict and conflict merge.  Please fix
> me if I am wrong.
> Non-conflict merge:
> 	Both user1 and user2 check out file version 1.2. User1 modify line
> 5, user2 modify line 6.
> 	As long as the two users modify different lines, there will be no
> conflicts. Users can check in 	changes in any order. After both users
> have checked in, the project seamlessly has both changes
> incorporated.  Whoever last check in will get both changes.

The merge does never happen at the server! After User1 has checked in
his/her changes, User2 will not be able to commit without running an
update on his/her file first. This is the point where the automatic
merging happens. User2 will be left with a modified file in his sandbox
that ideally contains both his/her changes and those of User1 (while
only his/her own changes would be displayed in a pre-commit diff).

> Conflict merge:
> 	Both user1 and user2 check out file version 1.2. They both modify
> line 10.
> 	Whoever last check in will get the conflict Editor, he has to
> manually modify the conflicted line.Save 	it and check in. All
> non-conflicts still merge seamlessly.

I'm not sure what you mean by "will get the conflict editor". The
process is like above, i.e. User1 checks in, User2 tries to checkin but
cannot, User2 updates, User2 gets conflicts on update, which means that
CVS puts conflict markers into the files, which let you see the
overlapping sections. He/She then has to resolve the conflict by
deciding how to merge the overlapping sections, do so (manually), and
finally commit the resolved file.

Hope this helps.

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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742     (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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