[cvsnt] Feature request unreserved edit

irodriguez perez irodriguezp at cirsa.com
Tue Nov 18 10:43:30 GMT 2003

Hi all,

I am using cvsnt 2.0.11 with WinCVS (cvsnt 2.0.11 too).

I have a suggestion but i don't know if it is very useful, i think
it can be util to reserved checkout and unreserved checkout question.

With cvsnt we can do a reserved edit (cvs edit -c). So if we use it
we have the next scenario:

1.-cvs edit -c file1.txt. (Only edit file1.txt if anyone has editted it 
2.-modify file1.txt.
3.-cvs commit -c file1.txt.

And file1.txt is automatically uneditted (and read-only).

If we do a cvs edit without -c option.

1.-cvs edit file1.txt. (Edit file1.txt althought another user has done a
                         reserved edit).
2.-modify file1.txt.
3.-cvs commit -c file1.txt.

And file1.txt can't be uneditted (the file is writeable), but if we change
it and try a commit -c the command fails (that's ok) saying that the user 
not a valid editor. The only way to do it unwriteable with cvs unedit 
command is to do a cvs edit again and a then do a cvs unedit.

Well, if i want edit a file, i can do cvs edit and cvs edit -c, but, what 
if i want edit a file with 2 conditions?:

1.-I don't want edit file1.txt if another user has done a reserved edit on 
2.-I want allow to other users edit the file at the same time i am editing 
it, i don't want to do a reserved edit, i want to do an unreserved edit.

I can't do cvs edit because condition 1 fails.
I can't do cvs edit -c because condition 2 fails.

Is there some way to do it? If there is another way please say me, but i 
could find it.

I propose a new edit option. For example -u. With this option if another 
user has
editted the file with a reserved edit i couldn't edit it. But if anyone has 
done a
reserved edit on the file i can edit it. If another user use edit -u, after 
i used
it, he can edit the file.

Of course, reserved edit should change, if a user wants to do a reserved 
edit on a
file, but the file has been editted with -u option the command shall fail.

A normal scenario for this is:

1.-cvs edit -u file1.txt. (Only edit file1.txt if anyone has done a 
reserved edit on file1.txt
                            and allow to other users to do *unreserved 
2.-modify file1.txt.
3.-cvs commit -c file1.txt.

And file1.txt is automatically uneditted (and read-only).

Well, i don't know if somebody can find it useful, but i think it can do 
the reserved and
unreserved checkouts in cvsnt clearer than now.

Also it can prevents the situtation when a user forgets to activate -c 
option and doing
a cvs edit only, with the cvsrc file on the server (edit -u). I tried 
prevents this
situation using edit -c on the cvsrc file, but this solution wasn't valid 
sometimes i don't want to do a reserved edit and another times i want to do 
(and edit -f don't ensure me that another user has done a reserved edit, 
the only
way to do it is answering *manually* to the users that are editing the file 
(cvs editors)).



P.S: This situation is not equal that cvs admin -l command, because with 
cvs edit -f command
     we can modify the file althought that another user has done a reserved 

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