[cvsnt] Feature request unreserved edit

irodriguez perez irodriguezp at cirsa.com
Tue Nov 18 14:54:08 GMT 2003

Ok, at the first time Oliver you are right, replace in my previous
mail anyone for noone. (sorry for my bad english) thanks.

> If that's what's happening for you it is either a bug or you haven't
> checked out the file read-only in the first place. After the commit the
> file should be read-only and unedited (i.e. you no longer get reported
> by cvs editors) again.

Ok, i have investigated if it is a bug. I have checked out the file read- 
only in the first place, but if i deactivate in WinCVS 
Admin/preferences/Globals Checkout
read-only option then the file is not unedited after the commit. If i 
this option then the file is unedited automatically after the commit. And 
the commit was
made without -c option. So it is not a bug.

> Reserved edit will already fail if the file is edited in /any/ way.


> AFAIK CVS(NT) does currently keep no record of how a file was edited
> (reserved or not) so taking the edit mode into account would probably
> require quite fundamental changes...

You are right. I have seen edit.c file in cvsnt repository and i understand 
now that this change can require important changes (and fundamental). But 
this option we will can really deprecatted locks, because at present is 
for the unmergeables files (i.e. binaries) and is very difficult to explain 
a user
that with a text file he should use edit command but with a binary file he 
use admin -l command (to prevents the cases when someone forgets the -c 
option in
the edit command).

> I don't think so. It's already rather confusing with the two existing
> modes IMO. I don't think it will get any better by introducing a third
> one and furthermore complicate the inner logic of the other two even
> more.

Well, my idea is that in a normal work we will have the reserved edit (cvs 
edit -c)
and the unreserved edit (cvs edit -u), and to use force edit option (cvs 
edit -f) only in critical cases (i.e. a user that did a reserved edit on a 
file and have an accident and he will
not go to the office for days). The default option for edit command would 
be unreserved

This scenario is for reserved checkouts, because with the unreserved 
checkouts we
will not use the edit command, (Read-Only option in checkout deactivated).



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