[cvsnt] Branching and Merging advice needed (parallel development)

Keeron Modi keeronmodi at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 20 15:47:38 GMT 2003

Hi everyone,


We are planning on using CVS throughout our company and the projects are
huge (40+ products, 100+ sub projects, probably around 1000 developers all
over the world) 


(Had VSS to start with .. and now trying to move onto CVS) .. So planning
out the process documents .. and we run into Branching and Merging issues.


I'll try and explian a simple example and would like your input on whats the
best thign to do:


1.	A dev creates a  branch off the "MAIN" trunk called "Branch_A"
2.	A second dev creates a branch off the main trunk called "Branch_B" -
same point as what DEV 1 did
3.	Both devlopers continue work on their branches . and at some point,
Dev1 is done with his changes .. and decides to merge onto MAIN
4.	Bcoz we follow "heavy" tagging .. the dev tag his "final" revision
on "Branch_A" as "Merge_from_Branch_A"
5.	Checks out the "HEAD" of MAIN branch
6.	Tags this revision immideatly with the tag "Pre-Merge_Branch_A" so
that he knows what he is merging ... 
7.	Does a CVS update -j "Merge_from_Branch_A"
8.	During the update, he got conflicts . so he is busy resolving these
conflicts .. 
9.	BUT ->>> (this is the fun part) Developer 2 in the mean time does
his merges on the HEAD trunk and now suddenly the HEAD is not what it used
to be. Its changed. But developer 1 has an old head now.
10.	Dev1 resolves the conflicts and merges his changes after a day. 
11.	Tags is "Merge_to_Branch_A"     (If anyone using viewcvs/cvsgraph -
this will help us draw pretty merge  lines between the source and
destination revision)
12.	From above,  the MAIN branch is Broken ! .. since what the "dev2"
checked in is not in the last revision of MAIN . because developer1 merged
his changes and that became the tip/head.


This clearly is a bad situation. Also considering we will have lots of
branches (for each bug, there might be a branch created and some devs
working on that branch), - branches for different projects, maintaince
lines, activity lines, etc . Lot of merges going on  .. so whats the best
situation to avoid the problem I just stated about ?


* We cant use the "locking" feature .. (while a merge is going on, lock the
branch) .. coz then you might as well say "Why not use VSS :-) ? "


* We can have the "dev1" email all the groups working on that branch to not
checkin anything until his merge is done. This takes away the meaning of
parallel development and shipping products constantly and also working on
other projects at the same time.


* There is another alternative I can think of is .. the Dev1 does a
"pseudo-commit" (passing -c option with cvs update).. and makes sure his
code is not conflicting when he is doing the merge. That way the time it
takes to merge is really small .. so there is very very less chances of
someone putting in a revision while he is merging his changes.


* Another one (similar to the 'email' suggestion) is anyone merging changes
(a final commit on the branch) should email everyone in the group that the
"Tip/Head" is changed .. so they can update their sandboxes . hence they
will always merge their changes with the latest head revision. 

Although I think emailing would be a problem since often you have a huge
archive/repository with lots of projects going on .. It would be hard to
coordinate stuff thru email among lots of people. 


Any suggestions on this matter ? I am sure people must have encountered this
problem in a big company . but not sure what the tagging/merging methods are
. Along with the "source" and "destination" tag, we "pre-merge" tag, "branch
point tag" on the parent branch and the actual branch name .. so 5 tags to
be created in the whole process. 


- Keeron

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