[cvsnt] missing expected branches, but the branches exists. less URGENT.

irodriguez perez irodriguezp at cirsa.com
Thu Oct 2 15:11:27 BST 2003

Hi Tony and thanks for reply.

> It looks like something has corrupted that file

Yes, but this case have ocurred over more of 50 files, i don't think that a 
has enough pacience to do it, so i presume is a program, but i don't know 
which could do it.

After doing an intensive investigation I think know what is the problem.
When the files  ,v were well, after symbos information appeared this (in 
only one
file, of course):

locks; strict;
comment     @ * @;

date  2002.;   author nacho;    state Exp;
next   ;
date  2002.;   author nacho;    state Exp;
date  2002.;   author nacho;    state Exp;


" And here all the information for each revision "

But now in the content of files the branches are deleted and their
revision information has disappeared, like this:

date  2002.;   author nacho;    state Exp;


" And here only appears the revision 1.1 information"

All branches including vendor branch (with the import
comment) are deleted!!!!!!!

This is a very good job, when i was looking for a something
similar in archives i found this:


It's the same case, but i can't find a reply for it.

I am trying know what caused it. If CVS or another application
i don't have any idea, but this good job over more 50 files disccard that 
was a person (well, perhaps a group of persons
but it's not probable).

Tony, i remember that this operation was made yesterday on a file
in the module (but this file is not corrupted).

cvs admin -oTAG1:TAG5 file5.hex

I have panic to delete revisions and perhaps this command
could affect other files. (cvsnt 2.0.5).

> Better to recover from backups after
> finding out what went wrong

Yes, i should do it because my brach structure is very complex.

For more information if i try a checkout without /force/rev/branch
option the server says this about the corrupted files:

cvs server: nothing known about ###_DIR_###/file1.psl

Thanks for all, and the quick reply.


P.S. I will continue looking for a cause.

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