[cvsnt] Possible to not show all modules?

Eric Weidl weidl at intersites.com
Tue Oct 21 23:05:57 BST 2003


We're running CVSNT 2.0.11 on a Win2K box. Our IDE is WebSphere Studio App 
Developer (WSAD) 5.0.1. Things are going surprisingly well; however, we 
have one nagging question.

How can we "hide" some modules from some users?

Some more background might help. We have dozens of modules in CVSNT. By 
"modules" I mean top-level directories in the repository. We use the CVS's 
ACL to control access to each module. We define a new group in CVS for each 
project, then give that group r/w access to the module.

The problem is that when a developer uses WSAD's built-in CVS client to 
connect to the repository, it shows them ALL the modules in the repository. 
It won't let them checkout modules they don't have access to, but it still 
displays them.

So, is there anything we can do to only show modules to users who have 
access to it?



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