[cvsnt] But... (was: No conflict when merging, where one is expected)

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Sep 4 15:41:46 BST 2003

John Peacock wrote:

> At the risk of continuing this discussion even further, I think there
> is some misunderstanding about the nature of merge and conflict
> handling (in general, not just CVS).  An empty line has no text,
> hence it cannot cause a conflict; only the same line in both files
> with different textual changes can cause a conflict.  A deleted file,
> under some circumstances, can be considered to be a file with only
> empty lines.

The intriguing thing about this is that if you indeed do not delete the
file itself but just all lines within it and then merge it with a
non-empty revision from a branch, CVS *does* report a conflict. I just
tried it yesterday because this discussion sparked my interest....


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
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