[cvsnt] release command not noticing updates

russo at albany.edu russo at albany.edu
Tue Sep 23 21:47:26 BST 2003

Hi All:
 As an fyi, I'm very new to version control in general.

I have been tasked with setting up a code repository for my cohorts at
work and to that end I'm running Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.0.9
(client/server) on a Win2k box.
Connecting with sserver proto and authenticating against domain then
restricting access with NTFS applied at the folder level.

>From my limited understanding of CVS commands, "cvs release" is supposed
to let you know if you have any edited files which have not been committed
since your last commit or update.  However, it remains silent.

I did the following using the cvsnt client:
checkout source
edited files in source
update source
release -d source

CVSNT simply asks if I want to continue with the release without reporting
that I have uncommitted, modified files.
Am I'm confused here or is cvs?

I could have sworn this was working at one time. The only clue I can offer
is I _believe_ it was working before I decided to authenticate
against the domain and then applied NTFS security to the folders in the
repo. I did check the history file in CVSROOT of my repo. and it appears
to be getting updated.

| Ryan Russo                       |
| russo@[SPAMaway].albany.edu      |
| University at Albany--Computing  |
| Technical Services Web Team      |

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