[cvsnt] pserver connection problem to win2k server, cvsnt 2.0.8

Gesa Prien PRIEN at de.ibm.com
Wed Sep 24 16:21:27 BST 2003


I'm trying to set up cvsnt 2.0.8 on a win2k server and to use it from
a win2k client. The installation seemed to be successful (I could start
the server and create a repository via the cvsnt gui) but the client
access does not work, not even from the server machine itself.
I searched half the internet but I couldn't solve the problem.
Please help!

I tried the following:

1) "ping" (ip-address of server) works

2) "cvsservice -test" shows an error during startup:
     C:\>cvsservice -test
     CVS 2.0.8 (Jul 24 2003) starting in test mode.
     TEMP/TMP currently set to C:\AA_data\CVSRepositories\temp
     Initialising socket...ok
     Impersonation is enabled
     Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
     Registering service SPN... failed (Error 1332)
     Error: Registering cvs service SPN failed (error 1332)
     CVS initialised successfully
What kind of error is this? I couldn't find any information about it.

3) "netstat -an" shows listening ports 2401 and 2402:
     TCP               LISTENING
     TCP               LISTENING

4) "telnet 2401" does not work, not even locally on the
    Observation: There seems to be a short connection to the server,
                 then I get the message "Connection to host lost."
                 without having entered anything.
What could be the problem here? (I'm working in a LAN and have switched
off all firewalls.)

Additionally I tried the following:
   C:\>set cvsroot=:pserver:pvr at

   C:\>cvs login
   Logging in to :pserver:pvr at
   CVS password: *******
   cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server -1:
      No such file or directory

Any help, ideas or hints appreciated!


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