[cvsnt] Merge two branches

John Peacock jpeacock at rowman.com
Thu Sep 25 16:19:59 BST 2003

Yang, Judy Bin wrote:

> Instead of merge to the main trunk, we want to merge two branches to one
> branch. Thanks.

Merges are always performed on the local working copy and then committed to 
whereever the WC points.  In most cases, you switch to HEAD (trunk) and merge 
from the branch.  In your case, you switch to the branch you want to continue 
and merge the other branch.  I would expect more than the usual number of 
conflicts, unless both branches were made very close to the same time.

Probably the easiest thing to do is to take the branch that diverged first from 
the trunk then apply two merges:

1) from trunk to the point where branch2 diverged
2) from branch2 to the tip of branch2



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