[cvsnt] CVSNT hangs on recursive add

Kevin zzz at zzz.zzz.org
Fri Sep 26 08:14:26 BST 2003

"steve" <steve at gokubi.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.669.1064528351.630.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> I've got CVSNT 2.0.10 running on a Windows 2000 Advanced server. I'm using
> TortoiseCVS as a client from my Win2K box, connecting via ssh. I have a
> repository set up, and can update and commit fine. I am having trouble
> adding a directory that has files in it.
> In my working directory on my client, I create a directory and put some
> files in it. Then I try to add the directory. Tortoise runs "cvs -q add
> Test". The directory gets created in CVSNT with a .owner file. Then
> Tortoise hangs after showing "? Test/Junk.ppt <cr>? Test/junk.txt" which
> are files in the "Test" directory. I can abort, and then go and add each
> file individually, but I'd rather it was done recursively as I have some
> large code trees I'd like to get into CVSNT.

"Unlike most other commands, the add command is not recursive."

> Does anyone have any guidance on how to fix this problem?

Use "cvs import" or some script like "Add recursively" available with
> Thanks,
> Steve

Kevin Agius

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