[cvsnt] CVSNT 2.0.34 puts extra info in RCS files that CVSGraph does not like...
Bo Berglund
bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Apr 1 18:43:22 BST 2004
This is a copy of an email that was posted on the ViewCvs mailing
I thought that I should re-post it here in order to have Tony or
someone else look at it and see if anything can be done about it.
I have looked at some of my RCS files and indeed there is no @
characters enclosing the committing user.
From: chris bridges <chris.bridges at rfel.com>
Bo / All,
I think I have found why cvsgraph is not working, but I dont know how
to fix ?
I am running the latest CVS NT (, and it seem that these
newer versions stores information in the repository in a different
CVSGraph works on files that were commited with earlier versions, but
NOT with the current version.
In the example below, the author name is enclosed in "@" ie
It seems something doesn't like this,because if I remove them, then
cvsgraph works OK.
"author @chris.bridges@;" cvsgraph does not work
"author chris.bridges;" cvsgraph does work.
Does this provide any clues for anyone ?
Best regards
------- example header from a repository file ( that doesn't
works )----------
head 1.2;
locks; strict;
comment @// @;
date 2004.; author @chris.bridges@; state Exp;
next 1.1;
deltatype text;
permissions 666;
commitid ec44068389b0000;
kopt kv;
filename @D3bfFix.m@;
date 2004.; author @chris.bridges@; state Exp;
next ;
deltatype text;
permissions 666;
commitid d6440642e9a0000;
kopt kv;
filename @D3bfFix.m@;
(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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