[cvsnt] Help sspi doesn't work

Aurelian POPA {windigita.com} aurelian.popa at winDigita.com
Fri Apr 2 14:43:14 BST 2004

Well I'm new to this CVSNT and CVS in general

The issue is that when I try to login to my CVS server it gives me the
following message

C:\Program Files\PushOk Software\CVS Proxy>cvs -d
:sspi:aurelian.popa at login
Logging in to :sspi:aurelian.popa at
CVS password: ***********
cvs [login aborted]: Can't authenticate - server and client cannot agree on
an a
uthentication scheme (got '')

How can I fix it?

Aurelian POPA (http://www.aurelian.ro)
Senior Consultant, SC winDigita SRL (http://www.windigita.com)
Email: mailto:aurelian.popa at windigita.com
MSN Messenger: aurelianpopa1 at hotmail.com Yahoo Messenger:
popaioanaurelian at yahoo.com
GSM:(+40) 0722 21 21 01

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