[cvsnt] very minor "bug"

David Strozzi dstrozzi at MIT.EDU
Sat Apr 10 20:48:06 BST 2004


I've been using cvsnt on winXP for a few months.  It's quite nice!  I have
cygwin and sshd up on my laptop, and it acts as a CVS repository for code
I run on, among places, a beowulf cluster.  Go cvs.

I noticed if you run 'cvs --help-commands,' the entry for the admin
command says

        admin        Administration front end for rcs

I assume you mean CVS instead of rcs.  The unix man page says cvs admin is
similar to the rcs command, which is probably where you got it from.

Doing my part for free software...

David Strozzi

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