[cvsnt] authorization failed with correct password

Wolfgang Fiedler wfiedler at prompttec.com
Mon Apr 19 10:08:41 BST 2004


I installed cvsnt 2.0.36 on our Linux server and also configured the pam 
subsystem to use our Windows Server to check usernames and passwords.

This all worked perfectly until we had to reboot our Servers. Since then 
I get
$ cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:wfiedler at
CVS password: *******
cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server rejected 
access to /data/cvs-repository for user wfiedler

The password is correkt!! I can use ftp, ssh, samba and all other system 
which use the same pam configuration to verify the usernames and passwords.
I also get the following messages in /var/log/messages when I do a cvs 

Apr 19 10:21:21 www pam_winbind[11070]: user 'wfiedler' granted acces
Apr 19 10:21:21 www cvs[11070]: login failure (for /data/cvs-repository)

I restartet different services, I rebootet the maschine, I checked the 
settings in pam.d/cvs, xinetd.d/cvs.

The problem must be somewhere in the cvs server. All users have the same 
problem. I also tried different clients (wincvs, tortoisecvs, cvs cli) 
without any luck.

Thanks for any help


Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Fiedler      
Prompttec Product Management GmbH
Mariatrosterstr. 41   A-8043 Graz, Austria
mailto:wfiedler at prompttec.com  PGP keyID: 0x57B22942
Tel:            +43 (316) 337611 253
Fax:            +43 (316) 337611 99

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