[cvsnt] Re: WSAD 5.0.1 and CVSNT 2.0.35

ajr wjh59xhu8f at ajr.e4ward.com
Tue Apr 27 01:31:04 BST 2004

On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 22:03:37 +0000, Tony Hoyle wrote:

> WSAD is extremely fragile... tiny things can break it, since officially
> CVSNT isn't supported by WSAD (IBM themselves told be they do not support
> such installations, and I get no feedback from the Eclipse developers as
> they don't support CVSNT either) then I'm left with no choice but to not
> support it. I've done all I can - if CVSNT is pretending to be a Unix
> server and repository prefixes are on, then it seems to work... later
> versions of WSAD are hardcoded to reject CVSNT servers as soon as they see
> them, hence the fake unix option.  That's only a stopgap though...
> eventually a version of WSAD will come out that detects the faking and
> stops that too - at that point I'll concede defeat & probably just stop
> answering questions about it.

I hope not. I work for a large corp and my team has been using CVSNT with
WSAD for six months with no problems on our mix of 3.0.8 and wsad 5.1.01.

Some other groups here have followed us into CVSNT but they are having
problems right now with synchronizing (posted).

Dropping support for WSAD would be a shame as it really fills a niche. I
proselytized CVSNT because we were being strong-armed into using Clearcase
or PVCS, but in view of your comments I guess am going to have to concede
defeat as well (and won't look too good doing it:(

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