[cvsnt] Re: Python scripts

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Wed Apr 28 22:57:11 BST 2004

> does anyone know if some URLs exist where I could find some Python scripts
> which automate CVS processes (like multi-module tag management,
> check-out, list all objects for a tag, ...)

Why would you need scripts for those tasks? Could you maybe specify your
Also, are you thinking of standalone scripts or macros for WinCvs?

> multi-module tag management,
> multi-module check-out

You could pass as many module names as you want to the tag/rtag and checkout
commands (though not from the WinCvs GUI). What exactly is it that you want
to accomplish?

> list all objects for a tag

If by object you mean files, try:

cvs log -SR -rTAG
cvs rlog -SR -rTAG Module(s)

If you were thinking of revisions, try:

cvs log -SN -rTAG

Hope this helps.

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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742     (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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