[cvsnt] cvsnt at cvsnt.org Press release

info cfinancing at runbox.com
Mon Aug 9 01:41:40 BST 2004

cvsnt at cvsnt.org

Canadian Subsidy Directory
4865 Hwy 138,R.R 1
Saint-Andrews West
Ontario, KOC 2A0


Legal Deposit-National Library of Canada: ISBN 2-922870-05-7

The newly revised Canadian Subsidy Directory 2004 edition is now
available. A guide
containing information to more than 2000 direct and indirect subsidies,
grants, and loans
offered by various levels of Government; Foundation; Association; and
other similar

Over 20 000 copies sold. The Canadian Subsidy Directory is a most
comprehensive and a
much needed tool to create or enrich any business. A true valuable
resource required to
improve your cost efficiency with crucial information held by
professionals.  Agriculture;
Transport; Communication; Education; Import-Export; Labor; Research &
Arts, Theater, Music & Entertainment; Hospitality & Culinary Services;
Notably the
Technology Sector and no less Joint Venture to name just a few.

The Canadian Subsidy Directory is retailed at $69.95. To obtain a copy
please call 
Canadian Publications toll free at:  1 - 8 6 6 - 3 2 2 - 3 3 7 6

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