[cvsnt] Increasing release with "commit -r" fails

Axel Eckenberger axel at eckenberger.de
Wed Aug 11 23:57:23 BST 2004


I just set up a cvsnt 2.0.51c system and each time I was trying to increase
the release of a certain file I got an error message. Below is a trace of
the commands issued an the results obtained:

-------------------------- trace
on ---------------------------------------------------
C:\temp\test\DataProv\MDirProv2>set cvsroot=:sspi:localhost:/cvs

C:\temp\test\DataProv\MDirProv2>cvs commit -m "none" -r 2.0 AssemblyInfo.cs
Checking in AssemblyInfo.cs;
cvs [commit aborted]: revision `2.0' does not exist

-------------------------- trace
off -------------------------------------------------

It did not make a difference whehter I specified the file directly or tried
the command without the file name.

This problem slowly drives me crazy, as I could not find any information on
the web of this behaviour. So please could someone help me to keep my sanity



PS: Could this be a bug, as this specific error message seems to be
generated by the RCS_tag2rev method in the file rcs.c?

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