[cvsnt] corrupted binary files after migration from Unix

Dragan Andric dragan at andric.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Aug 12 11:38:40 BST 2004

Hi all,
I'm trying to setup cvsnt pserver on a Windows 2003 box and migrate our
existing cvs repository from a Solaris box.
The problem is that binary files checked out from a new repository are
corrupted, even though they were correctly added (with -kb) in the original
Unix repository.
I've tried copying module directories from Unix to the new Windows cvsnt
repository with and without original CVSROOT directory.
I've tried modifying cvswrappers file in the new repository adding a few
lines like: *.gif -k 'b' , but when I try to check in the modified
cvswrapper file, I get the following error:

    Checking in cvswrappers;
    /web/CVSROOT/cvswrappers,v  <--  cvswrappers
    new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
    cvs server: Rebuilding administrative file database
    cvs server: Unknown expansion option 'P'.
    cvs server: invalid RCS expansion flags
    Valid flags are one of:
    t       Text file (default)
    b       Binary file (merges not allowed).
    B       Binary file using binary deltas (merges not allowed).
    u       Unicode (UCS-2) file with BOM.
    {encoding}      Extended encoding type
    Followed by any of:
    c       Force reserved edit.
    k       Substitute keyword.
    v       Substiture value.
    l       Generate lockers name.
    L       Generate Unix line endings on checkout.
    o       Don't change keywords.
    z       Compress deltas within RCS files.
    (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)
    cvs commit: reading from puma: Connection reset by peer

I also tried to modify cvswrappers file on the server to no avail.
Thanks for any clues.

Dragan Andric

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