[cvsnt] Re: still authentication problems...

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Fri Aug 13 23:51:30 BST 2004

Thomas Keller wrote:

> Well, absolutely my fault... one should remember to run "make clean" to delete 
> any previous compiled files (in my case stuff which was compiled with a 
> - --prefix...). Thanks a lot for the hint with the trace mode!
FYI for the chroot jail, as you have your repository in /home/cvsroot,
you'd have put the jail in /home or /home/cvsroot itself (this will put 
the repository at the root of the jail which I think works but isn't ideal).

Normally I'd have an extra layer as in:


Then create a /home/cvsroot/tmp writable by the 'nobody' user for the 
server to store its temp files in.

There's no need to have a /lib or /bin in the jail in you're not running 
scripts so it's pretty safe.


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