[cvsnt] Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo

Scott Whitney ScottWhitney at DesignMentor.com
Sat Aug 14 02:37:18 BST 2004

I have CVSNT version 2.0.41a running on a client (from WinCVS 1.3), and the server has been set up with version 2.0.51a.  The server appears to be running correctly, and I gave the users in my software group full control for the C:\Data\cvstemp directory and C:\Data\cvsrepo directories on my server.  The repository name is just /cvsrepo.

On the server while logged in as an administrator, this works fine:

cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls

On my client, logged in via our domain server, I keep getting the error:

C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT>cvs -d :sspi:files:/cvsrepo ls
cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not be correct

Also on my client, the command "cvs info" returns the following:

C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT>cvs info
Available protocols:

local               (internal)
ext                 ext 2.0.41a
pserver             pserver 2.0.41a
server              server 2.0.41a
sserver             sserver 2.0.41a
ssh                 ssh 2.0.41a
sspi                sspi 2.0.41a

So, it looks like the sspi protocol should be available.

Does anyone know why we keep getting the error "cvs server: Access denied looking up C:/Data/cvsrepo - results may not be correct"

Scott D. Whitney  ScottWhitney_at_DesignMentor.com

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